Making Electrical Network Connection Simpler

ICP Design Solutions are accredited electrical design engineers. We help clients across the UK connect residential and commercial projects to the electricity network. Offering expert, impartial advice that simplifies the process and provides a real alternative to using Distribution Network Operators.

ICP Dot Design
ICP Design Solutions Contractors Study Blueprints
ICP Design Solutions EV Charging Station
ICP Design Solutions Wind Farm View

The process of connecting to the electrical network through Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) can feel inflexible at best and obstructive at worst. Using DNOs is not the only option open to you. ICP Design Solutions offer a better way. Responsive, reliable and pragmatic, we’ll take time to understand your needs and develop design solutions that meet them efficiently and cost-effectively.

ICP Design Solutions Pylon Icon
ICP Design Solutions Transformer Icon
ICP Design Solutions Bulb Icon
ICP Design Solutions Battery Icon
ICP Design Solutions Wind Turbine Icon

From consultancy to approved design submission

An accredited Independent Connection Provider, we work with clients across the UK, helping connect residential and commercial projects to the electricity network.

Problems solvers at heart, our experienced and knowledgeable team manage projects from consultancy to approved design submission. Providing expert, impartial advice that helps overcome challenges and resolve technical issues before they lead to time and cost overruns.

ICP Design Solutions Contractor Imaging Pylon

Experienced, knowledgeable and fully-accredited

Connecting to the electrical network, whether high or low voltage, can be complicated. Get it wrong, and you risk not only revenue and reputation but potentially people’s lives.

As a fully Lloyds Registered and accredited NERS electrical design team, safety and compliance are central to everything we do. This vital stamp of approval assures our work is of the highest quality and meets all legal requirements.

ICP Design Solutions Pylons at Sunset

Trusted technical partners offering guidance and support

Our aim is to make it easier and quicker for clients to connect to the UK’s electrical network. To continue using our knowledge, skills and expertise to uncomplicate a complicated industry. To ensure we become more widely recognised as a real alternative to distribution network operators (DNOs).

Engage us, and we’ll become trusted technical partners offering guidance and support throughout the lifetime of your project. Simplifying the process and taking responsibility to ensure you get the outcome you need when you need it.

ICP Design Solutions Electrician at Work
ICP Design Solutions Contractor Imaging Pylon
ICP Design Solutions Pylons at Sunset
ICP Design Solutions Electrician at Work

“ICP Design Solutions have proved to be invaluable technical partners. Our team have come to rely on their knowledge, advice and support, with their expertise ensuring project milestones are consistently met.”

Project Manager, national housing developer

“Connecting a new site to the electrical network is not without challenges, so it’s good to have a partner like ICP Design Solutions. It gives us confidence knowing that if problems arise, their team is on hand with practical advice that ensures the project stays on track.”

Project lead, Local Authority